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September 24-25, 2023
Web Browser Near You!
Brno DevConf image asset


In response to COVID-19, we have made the difficult decision to make DevConf.US 2023 a virtual event. While we are disappointed that we won’t be able to see you all in person, the well-being of our attendees required us to make this decision. We also recognize that we are making this decision, seemingly, very early. However, in order to shift to an awesome virtual event, we need a lot of lead time for the organizers, volunteers and speakers to produce an entirely different event.


DevConf.US 2023 is the 3rd annual, free, Red Hat sponsored technology conference for community project and professional contributors to Free and Open Source technologies coming to a web browser near you!


We encourage students and new graduates as well as professionals to submit proposals to DevConf.US. See our topics below for ideas on what to submit! Please indicate if you are a student or new graduate through the checkbox on your submission.

We are committed to fostering an open and welcoming environment at our conference. We set expectations for inclusive behavior through our code of conduct and media policies, and are prepared to enforce these.

  • Application Development with Serverless & Containerization

    Application Development has gone through a number of changes in recent years with sophisticated tools, remote development environments, AI support, etc. Not to mention new deployment methods like serverless/functions, containers, and cloud-native. We are hoping to gather session submissions addressing experience with these changes. We are also happy to see sessions that focus on how to be more efficient and the new cool stuff available to do your application development with.

    Operating at Scale

    The operations of modern cloud computing including physical bare metal machines, VMs, containers. Cloud, and clusters. podman, CRI-O, Docker/Moby, Kubernetes, Skopeo. Hybrid cloud and other buzzwords - your cloud and apps-at-scale topics go here.

  • 可伍单天购买的加速器

    All aspects of Quality including the documentation and development that goes into the QE/QA components, such as automated testing, CI/CD, and traditional testing.

    Security, Privacy & Data Governance

    With all the work being done with Machine Learning and in the public cloud, privacy and managing data are becoming huge concerns. What techniques are available to keep our data secure and private? What attacks should we be watching out for?

  • Open Source & Process

    How to Open Source, and what software development is like in the Open Source world.

    Machine Learning & Artifical Intelligence

    Development tools for data engineering and data science, model development and deployment, interesting models to solve problems. We also want to hear about other AI hot buttons like AI Dev Support, AIOps, etc.

  • Systems Engineering & Hardware

    解君愁 篇九:按需求选路由,看这一篇就够了_路由器怎么选 ...:2021-3-10 · 其实选购东西都一样,按需求、按预算选购,每一次购买都是为了提升自己的生活品质。所伍,买新的路由器本质上也是为了提高自己的生活品质啊。根据需求与预算结合,我将路由器的需求分为伍 …

    User Experience in Open Source

    UX in the Open Source world, with a focus on implementing user experience design processes. We know UX is different when everything is done in public, tell us how and what to do about it.

  • Evolving Technology

    Highlighting emerging technology and academic research. In other words, 'All your awesome and crazy ideas -- backed up by science!'

Important Dates
Feb 19, 2023
CfP Opens
Live Workshop Proposals Closes
August 24, 2023
Video Recordings Due
August 17, 2023
Schedule Published & Registration Opens
September 23, 2023
Workshop Day
September 24, 2023
September 25, 2023
Conference Day 2
How to participate?

Check out the link below to find out more about DevConf.US and how to record your videos!